
Novatian: The Trinity, The Spectacles, Jewish Foods, In Praise of Purity, Letters is unavailable, but you can change that!

After Novatian’s break with the Church over the treatment of Christians who had lapsed in the persecution of Decius (AD 250–52), Church authorities were reluctant to recognize officially his contributions to Christian theology. Because his writings were too valuable to ignore, a number of them were attributed to less controversial authors. On the basis of stylistic and other internal evidence,...

harms us. (4) Since fear arises from inordinate desires, the man who discourages inordinate desires banishes also fear. (5) He who withstands inordinate desires is victorious over sin. The man who overcomes indordinate desires is superior to the world itself. He who proves that he is a true disciple of Christ. He who shows that he has crushed underfoot an ancient evil which infects the entire human race. He who masters inordinate desires
Pages 174–175